Over the past 12 years, over 60,000 people from more than 180 countries have completed our happiness at work survey. Our own research and numerous academic papers tell us that performance and productivity start with Happiness at Work. So, if you want better results, first address happiness.
We have the longest-running and largest database of Happiness at Work in the world. Our research is robust, peer-reviewed and has academic backing.
Our data shows that the happiest employees compared to their least happy colleagues...:
At iOpener, Happiness at Work is based on a research-centred and practitioner-driven model called Performance Happiness. The Performance-Happiness model is made up of 5 key components, referred to as the 5Cs. They are:
These are all interlocked and work as an ecosystem. This means that they have a strong impact on each other.
Trust and Pride in an organisation and Recognition back from it help form the context in which the 5Cs are operationalised. And, to be happy at work, an individual must have a sense of Achieving their Potential, which is why it lies at the heart of our model.
What we believe leaders need to understand is that when they can help create that context of Pride, Trust and Recognition, then it’s more likely that their team members will be able to deliver on the 5Cs.
Explore our solutions and find out how you can make a positive shift towards greater work happiness as an individual, team or organisation.
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